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11 Aug 2023

Topographic Surveyor / CAD Technician at GITEC Consult GMBH

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Job Description

Project title: Strengthening Drought Resilience in Ethiopia (SDR-2)

Period of project: Approximately 09/2023 – 09/2024

Duration of Assignment: 8 months


Strengthening Drought Resilience 2 (SDR 2) is a project implemented in the Afar region of Ethiopia by the Ministry of Agriculture (Project Executing Agency) and the Regional Bureau of Agriculture Livestock and Natural Resource Development (BoLANRD, Project Implementing Agency). The project is supported by implementing consultants consisting of the Consortium of GITEC-IGP GmbH (GITEC) and the NGO Support for Sustainable Development (SSD). GITEC is an international consulting company based in Cologne, Germany. SSD is a national NGO established in 2003 with many years of work experience in Afar region with focus on small-scale irrigation.

Project Description

The project Strengthening Drought Resilience 2 (SDR 2) is focusing on improved water supply for pastoral and agro-pastoral communities in Afar region. This objective is pursued among others through the construction of sand dams and submerged dams. Two sand dams are being constructed in in Ada’ar and Kori Woredas:

Dakha Bhuyi Sand Dam and Submerged Dam, Eli Badu Sand Dam (Kori Woreda)
Fursa, Dubra, Hafalu Sand Dams (Adaar Woreda)
Construction of the project is expected to begin in September 2023 and continue until end of 2024, pending and extension of the project phase by German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development BMZ through KfW Development Bank.

Role of the Expert:

  • Devise an appropriate AUTO CAD layering system and a standard legend for line thickness/style and font/font size to be used on the drawings.
  • Prepare drawings at A3 size with a standard border and title box in the bottom right corner.
  • Devise an appropirate drawing numbering system and a digital filing system to store drawings to facilitate easy retrival of the latest version. All drawings shall be plotted to a standard scale and a bar scale shall be included.
  • Plot the site survey contour and spot-height maps, together with the location of the geotechnical investigation sites.
  • Prepare strip survey drawings that may include a number of strips on one drawing with the match-lines clearly indicated. Site maps and strip survey drawings shall include a horizontal grid. Longitudinal and cross sections of drains and canals shall use an approprite vertical exaggeration.
  • Check the position and level of the contractor’s survey benchmarks and deemed it necessary, order the installation of additional bench marks to facilitate the setting out and checking of the works.
  • Undertaking any additional surveys deemed necessary to incorporate changes or modification to the designs.

Job Requirements

Education: BSc in Surveying, or relevant engineering field

Requirements and Skill: Good knowledge and at least 5 years of practical experience in surveying and Auto CAD software application.

Regional experience: Experience in work in rural areas in drylands through long-term assignments (lowland Ethiopia such as Afar or Somali region).

Donor experience: Previous experience with work for donor-funded projects in similar positions.

Language skills:

  • Proficiency in the English language and Amharic;
  • Proficiency in Afar language is an advantage

Method of Application

Submit your CV, copies of relevant documents and Application to  [email protected]
Use the title of the position as the subject of the email

Closing Date : 18 August. 2023


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