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3 Nov 2023

Sanitation and Hygiene Coordinator at LifeWater International

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Job Description

Job Summary:

To measurably improve the quality of life for vulnerable children and families in communities and schools by leading an effective team to ensure sanitation and hygiene promotion and sustained behavioral change among the local communities and schools. This position and those reporting to this position will walk alongside villages, families, and schools, transforming the water, sanitation, and hygiene (WASH) situation through use of Lifewater International’s Vision of a Healthy Village (VHV) strategy. S/he is responsible for realization of sanitation and hygiene plans, behavior change, and the associated health outcomes in communities. The position holder will be working and living in the RURAL communities alongside the people we serve.

Key Areas Of Responsibility:

  • Lead a team of Sanitation and Hygiene Promoters to reach all target communities and households with VHV programming, leading to the creation of Healthy Villages and Healthy Homes.
  • Support Sanitation and Hygiene Promoters in Community Led Total Sanitation, Community Conversations, Training Community WASH Facilitators and in mobilizing community for sustainable maintenance of water points.
  • Lead activities at target primary schools and health posts so that schools and health institutions can become Healthy School.
  • Lead the training and support of Water Committees at new and existing water points in communities during the intensive phase of the program.
  • Lead the team to provide excellent services in the program area through proactive planning and use of mWater software for factual data collection and reporting.
  • Conduct regular meetings with local government stakeholders and with community members to discuss changes in sanitation and hygiene behaviors, mobilize community participation and supervise implementation processes.
  • Produce and submit weekly, monthly, quarterly and annual plans as well as reports to supervisor.
  • Any other assigned duties by your supervisor

Location: West Arsi Zone, Nenesebo, Sidama region Bensa

Salary: Negotiable

Terms Of Employment: One-year contract with possibility of extension and probation period of 60 working days.

Job Requirements

Qualifications and Experience:

  • University degree in environmental health, public/community health, Rural development studies, community psychology or other related fields.
  • Minimum five years of experience in development work, preferably in a non-governmental organization setting, with at least two years of field experience in the health or WASH sector.
  • Previous experience coordinating and leading community development teams of field staff.
  • Previous experience and training in WASH programs.
  • Strong ICT skills especially Microsoft Office applications (MS Word, Excel, PowerPoint).

Personal Skills and Qualities:

  • Commitment to the mission, vision, and core values of Lifewater International
  • Flexible and adaptable to changing environments.
  • Honest and dependable in all areas including finances.
  • Strong desire to work in and serve rural communities.
  • Fluency in speaking and writing in English, Afan Oromo,
  • Sidamo affo and Amharic languages
  • Female candidates are highly encouraged.

Method of Application

Submit your CV, copies of relevant documents and Application to
Use the title of the position as the subject of the email

Closing Date : 11 November. 2023
