Sanitation and Environmental Health Officer at HelpAge International
- Company: HelpAge International
- Location: Ethiopia
- State: Ethiopia
- Job type: Full-Time
- Job category: Healthcare/Medical Jobs in Ethiopia - NGO Jobs in Ethiopia
Job Description
HelpAge International ( is the secretariat to the HelpAge Global Network, which brings together a wide range of organisations and individuals working together to ensure that older people lead dignified, active, healthy and secure lives. HelpAge International’s secretariat is based in London, UK and closely works with its supporting network members- Age International, HelpAge Germany and HelpAge USA.
Our long-term vision is to establish a global movement of strong connected age focused and older people led platforms in every country in the world. Only by collaborating together can we achieve a world in which all older people can lead dignified, active, healthy and secure lives. We aim to extend the reach and influence of the HelpAge Global Network to all those in a position to help bring about our vision for older people – including Governments, regional institutions, policy makers, development partners, the private sector, UN organisations and academic institutions. In Africa region, we will deliver this through a combination of programme, policy and communications work focused on our core themes of social protection, health and care and humanitarian response.
HelpAge has been operating in Ethiopia since 1992 and has been engaged on thematic sectors including social protection, health and care, emergency response and capacity building of local partners.
HelpAge is currently seeking to recruit a Sanitation and Environmental Health Officer for a programme aimed at improving the living conditions of conflict and drought affected IDPs and host communities through integrated response of WASH, Nutrition and Protection.
Overall Purpose of the Job
Under the leadership of the Senior WaSH officer, the Sanitation and Environmental Health Officer will be responsible for the overall implementation, monitoring and evaluation of the sanitation and hygiene promotion component of the project in targeted locations of Borena Zone. The position holder provides technical support and expertise in the areas of environmental health and ensure the component is implemented in accordance with established protocols, guidelines and best practices from HelpAge, MOH and other international standards.
influence and impact. We are committed to a culture of collaboration and building positive relationships.
- Our Values: Everyone who works at HelpAge shares our values and are committed to behaviours that demonstrate and support them.
- Inclusive: We respect people, value diversity and are committed to equality.
- Impact; We value and recognize the contribution of our staff and network members, as we put older people at the centre of everything we do.
- Partners : We work alongside network members and others to increase reach,
- Learning: We are passionate about learning, accountable and work together to find creative solutions.
Everyone has a role in creating and sustaining a safe and respectful working environment, where no one comes to any harm or is maltreated. At HelpAge we take our responsibilities very seriously and will take action against wrongdoing. We will do everything we can to ensure that we do not engage people that pose a safeguarding risk and will undertake criminal record checks as required.
Project Management
- Responsible for the management of the public health component of the WaSH project in the designated district including proper planning and organizing of tasks, providing technical guidance and management of project scope and deliverables;
- Ensure timely and quality implementation of sanitation and hygiene components;
- Along with the Senior WaSH officer, organize and coordinate sanitation and hygiene campaigns and promotion activities as well as the water treatment chemical distribution and tailored community education supported by woreda and community level government structures. This includes Health technicians at woreda level and
- Community Health Workers (CHW) and Health Development Army (HDA) at community level;
- Assist in organizing and facilitating capacity building trainings for WASHCOs and scheme care takers;
- Note: this includes, setting up and training of community level management structures for household and public sanitation facilities to ensure sustainable management and use of the structures.
- Liaise with the relevant government partners and structure and make use of the same to ensure regular Hygiene and sanitation education is structured where technical guidance is provided from the higher level, i.e. by the zone and woreda level technicians while actual campaign is implemented by the people at the community level.
- The position holder is responsible to technically guide, follow and support the system;
- Technically support the above by strengthening community level H & S committees and
- Make regular follow-up and monitoring of sanitation and hygiene practices, as well as emergency public health risks for timely response;
- Adopt and ensure implementation of basic guidelines and standards for public health in emergencies;
- Collect, analyze and report on community hygiene and sanitation issues arising from the target groups for planning, implementing, monitoring and evaluation purposes. Follow up on hygiene and sanitation progress reports from partners and prepare consolidated reports;
- Make regular follow-up and monitoring of sanitation and hygiene promotion components with emphasis on accountability, effectiveness, quality and sustainability;
- Ensure adequate and timely documentation of all Sanitation and Hygiene related activities;
- Work with government partners and structures on facilitating basic community health education through home to home visits, community meetings, schools (Schools based Environmental Sanitation and Hygiene clubs), health centers, FBOs, social occasions, etc;
- As delegated, coordinate with other organizations including through participation in relevant NGO and UN networks and forums;
- Prepare or collect relevant IEC (Information, Education Communication), BCC (Basic Community Conversation), PHAST (Participatory Hygiene and Sanitation Transformation) and CLTSH materials, produce and distribute them to the target groups;
- Ensure integration of Humanitarian Principles, sphere standards and cross cutting issues and concerns e.g. ageing, gender, HIV & AIDS, disability and environment into planned sanitation and hygiene promotion activities.
Representation, Coordination and other
- Organize and submit weekly updates and periodic progress reports on emergency WaSH related activities of HelpAge to the Deputy Emergency Program Manager.
- Collect, sanitize and communicate emergency health, sanitation and hygiene situation of current and potential woredas.
- Document and recommend best sanitation and hygiene practices/interventions.
- Closely cooperate with partners, relevant government offices (e.g. health and education bureaus) in the target woredas
- Represent HelpAge to local communities, government departments, international agencies, local partners and donors as required
- Attend relevant meetings and prepare meeting notes as required and share these with the WaSH officer.
Internal -Programme Coordinator- Borena, Head of Humanitarian programme & Senior Humanitarian Program Officer
External: Partners, Ministry of Water & Health – Zone & Woreda level
REPORTING TO: Senior WaSH Officer
Job Requirements
Management Experience ( Mid-level)
- team management roles, preferable in INGOs;
- strong communication, negotiation and representational skills;
- ability to think strategically and analyse information in a meaningful manner;
- ability to assess, plan, implement, monitor and evaluate sanitation and health programme activities
- MSc or BSc in Public Health
- Professional experience in Emergency Sanitation and health projects implementation (3 – 5 years) including design and implementation of sanitation and hygiene activities;
- Good understanding of standards and requirements in emergency situations;
- Proactive and takes initiatives without the need for prompting by others;
- Excellent skill in facilitating trainings on emergency WASH and Hygiene & Sanitation related issues;
- Experience in undertaking KAP surveys and identifying barriers to hygiene behaviour
Behavioral Competencies
- Results Orientation towards own and team’s role in line with organisational priorities, decisive, passion and drive for high quality work
- Working with others, in a team environment, receiving and providing feedback, contributing to the team’s success, and managing conflicts if it occurs;
- Self-Management, by demonstrating Integrity and credibility, leading by example, committed, knowledgeable and confident on the job functions and superior communication skills
- Ability to engage, seek and provide clarity and deliver on issues that are not always clear;
- Previous experience working on issue of older persons a strong advantage;
- Good understanding of budgets and financial management, working with Government stakeholders
- Computer literate (word processors, spreadsheet, database, statistical packages, etc) is an advantage;
- Fluent in English and ability to speak /understand Afan Oromo
Method of Application
Submit your CV, copies of relevant documents and Application to [email protected]Use the title of the position as the subject of the email
Closing Date : 24 March. 2022