Regional Emergency Health & Nutrition Coordinator at World Vision Ethiopia
- Company: World Vision Ethiopia
- Location: Ethiopia
- State: Tigray Jobs
- Job type: Full-Time
- Job category: Healthcare/Medical Jobs in Ethiopia - World Vision Jobs in Ethiopia
Job Description
World Vision is the largest child-focused private charity in the world. Our 34,000+ staff members working in nearly 100 countries have united with our incredible supporters to impact the lives of over 200 million vulnerable children by tackling the root causes of poverty. Through World Vision every 60 seconds…a family gets water…a hungry child is fed…a family receives the tools to overcome poverty.
Major Responsibility
Manage and coordinate implementation of emergency Nutrition response
- Implement effectively CMAM and IMAM nutrition programme in line with humanitarian standards under guidance of nutrition advisor
- Pilot family MUAC in selected woredas and kebeles
- Properly manage WFP supported TSFP/BSFP programs in selected areas
- Manage and lead SMART survey trainings
- Assess local capacity and ensure programmes are integrated into existing health systems where appropriate
- Maintain WV best practices for nutrition programs so as to deliver results according to relevant standards, policies and program strategy
- Establish and maintain links with other relevant sectors in the AP (WASH, livelihoods, etc.)
- Establish links with MoH and relevant cluster activities
- Remain up to date with public health and nutrition policy and guidance and initiatives and ensure dissemination to subordinates
- Work with line WV staff and partners to guide technical interpretation of technical models
- Coordinate all IMAM and CMAM trainings that will be planned for health workers and health extension workers.
- Provide technical support to World Vision IMAM/CMAM programme activities to ensure that the IMAM/CMAM programmes take place according to the project plans and is implemented with high quality.
- Follow up timely request, approval, procurement and distribution of the project logistics, supply and equipments
- Follow up utilization of project commodities, logistics and equipments
- Review and submit regular monthly reports and monthly CMAM database report (using CMAM Offline data base) to AP Manager and Head Office Emergency Nutrition Specialist
- Take part in the project set-up, technical support visit, monitoring visits, surveys and evaluations
- Follow up project progress as per the plan of work closely with the APs and identify minimum support package as part of the project transition
Take part in CMAM project meetings, workshops, prayer and devotions that will assist for technical and spiritual development
Manage and coordinate implementation of emergency health response
- Take leadership, support and guide project staff in implementation of emergency health responses
- Initiate action with limited assessment data and information based on context, using an approach which is flexible and thoughtful.
- implement WV health emergency response models, and prioritize based on the assessment data
- Plan and program collaboratively in conjunction with related sectors
- Design and manage program budget in collaboration with Finance according to donor requirements and WV standards
- Lead health team to meet programming standards and expectations for implementation of emergency interventions
- Develop health work plans to include regular face-to-face support of field staff
- Design and implement M&E systems for health response
- Ensure effective supervisory mechanisms are in place
- Evaluate health responses on a regular basis and adapt them in line with findings
- Ensure regular program reporting system is in place
Submit high quality reports to MoH, and head office for health and nutrition responses both narrative and financial, in a timely manner
Networking, Partnering, and External Representation
- Liaise and established contacts at Zonal and woreda level with government health office, DRMFSS, NGOs, and UN agencies (WFP, WHO and UNICEF)
- Regular discussions at Woreda level concerning emergency health and nutrition response in WVE operational areas
- Regularly participate in cluster meetings and other related coordination meetings and ensuring effective information sharing and flow within WVE
- Create & maintain linkages with key implementing & operational partners in emergency Health and Nutrition programming.
Learning and Evidence Base Development, Dissemination and Knowledge Management
- Assist assessment in the field as part of field preparation, field supervision
Identify best/promising practices and success stories for documentation and dissemination
Disaster Preparedness/HEA
- Maintain situational awareness of actual and potential hazards at local level and bring to attention of AP and head office
- Guide community hazard vulnerability analysis in area of health and nutrition
- Solve problems under emergency conditions
Required Education, training, license, registration, and certification
- Master’s degree in public health or nutrition with clinical health background (degree in Public Health or Clinical Nursing) from accredited universities or health colleges
Certificates on
- ToT training in Acute Malnutrition 2019 revised guideline
- ToT training in revised 2019 IMAM guideline
- Integrated Pharmaceuticals Logistics System (IPLS)
- Certificate of training on SPHERE standards
- Trained on Family MUAC approach
- SMART survey ToT/basic training
Preferred Knowledge And Qualifications
- Knowledge on Standard methods and indicators for assessing nutritional status, including rapid assessment and SMART methodology
- Understanding of IASC Cluster system, including function of Nutrition Cluster
- Knowledge on Red Cross/Red Crescent Code of Conduct, WV’s disaster management cycle and Sphere standards
- Knowledge, training and experience in management of MAM and SAM with/without medical complication
- Demonstrated skills in CMAM/IMAM program planning, implementation and monitoring.
- Experience in cascading family MUAC approach
- Demonstrated ability to work effectively in a team environment.
- Willingness to work under pressure and extra hours, and out of assigned implementation area
- Willingness and capacity to be flexible and accommodating when faced with difficult and frustrating working conditions;
- Excellent training and facilitation skills, and Negotiations skills
- Strong adherence to World Vision values;
- Strong character traits, including emotional stability, adaptability, ability to handle stress, cultural and gender sensitivity and integrity;
- Prepared to live and work in an remote and uncertain security environment
- Fluent in oral and written English and local languages
Required Professional Experience
- Minimum five years working experience with INGOs in emergency health and nutrition programs;
Travel and/or Work Environment Requirement
- Willingness to work in SC centers
Applicant Types Accepted : Local Applicants Only
Method of Application
Submit your CV and Application on Company Website : Click HereClosing Date : 15 October. 2022

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- WordPress
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