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17 Mar 2022

Psychologist at Fayyaa Integrated Development Organization

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Job Description


Experienced Psychologist to support the implementation of GBV activities including psychosocial support to GBV Survivors. The Psychologist will assist MHNT members and GBV Case Managers to provide psychological support to most critical identified cases by the officers and community volunteers, promoting an integrative and holistic survivor centered approach


  • The Psychologist will ensure quality case management by providing individual counseling, informing the survivors about all available services, drafting an action plan and, after seeking consent of survivors, referring to adequate services.
  • Ensure continuous guidance to GBV and PSS case workers and officers, including providing training and ongoing coaching and mentoring to ensure that appropriate psychosocial support is given to GBV survivors.
  • Ensure that identified GBV cases are provided with direct psychosocial support and internal and external referral as needed, accordingly to a beneficiary/survivor centered approach and based on guiding principles.
  • Assist the GBV and PSS Social workers and officers in the detection of most vulnerable cases
  • Provide a clinical assessment on identified cases of persons at risk and survivors of GBV
  • The Psychologist ensures a timely referral to most appropriate services available (medical care, mental health and psychosocial support, legal counselling and assistance, safe shelter, education and livelihood opportunities) according to the needs and established SOPs
  • Support the GBV and PSS Social workers to provide quality case management and general staff (of all projects) by offering trainings to ensure that protection issues are mainstreamed in field interventions and detection of cases can be efficiently referred in timely manner

Job Requirement

  • BA in psychology (clinical psychology, counseling psychology preferable) and above.
  • At least 3 years work experience in the same domain (GBV programming, counseling/provision of psychosocial support) in an NGO setting.
  • Knowledgeable in and previous experience of implementing the IASC MHPSS guidelines and best practices
  • Proficient in use of Microsoft Office Packages including Word, Excel, and PowerPoint
  • Experience of working within the GBVIMS system
  • Fluency in English is required and fluency in local language is plus
  • Excellent time management skills, resourcefulness, with strong attention to detail.

Qty: 4

LOCATION: Arero, Dubluk, Wachie and Taltalle woredas, Borena Zone, Oromia region

Method of Application

Submit your CV, copies of relevant documents and Application to  [email protected] or [email protected]
Use the title of the position as the subject of the email

Closing Date : 21 March. 2022


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