Nutrition Zonal Coordinator at Save the Children
- Company: Save the Children
- Location: Ethiopia
- State: Hawassa
- Job type: Contract
- Job category: Healthcare/Medical Jobs in Ethiopia
Job Description
The Save the Children in Ethiopia Country Office (CO), in support of the Government of Ethiopia (GoE), has continued to contribute to the well-being of Ethiopian children in development and humanitarian contexts. We work to provide immediate humanitarian relief and long-term sustainable development.
Contract Duration: 6(Six) months
Growth through Nutrition) – is five year multi-sector nutrition project in Ethiopia (2016-2022). It is a follow-on Activity to USAID’s flagship multi-sector nutrition project—Empowering New Generations to Improve Nutrition and Economic opportunities (ENGINE). Save the Children in partnership with its Government partner’s (FMoH, RHB, RB of agriculture and natural resource and livestock, BOWE and BOE) and International NGOs and local NGOs drives the implementation of Growth through Nutrition using a powerful, multi-sector platform comprised of evidence-based nutrition-specific and nutrition-sensitive interventions.
The purpose of the USAID Growth through Nutrition activity is to improve the nutritional status of women and young children in the four productive regions with a focus on the first 1,000 days from pregnancy to a child’s second birthday—the critical window of opportunity for a child’s growth and development. The development hypothesis for this Activity is: if sustained access to diverse, safe, and quality foods is achieved and optimal nutrition, WASH, and agriculture behaviours are adopted and quality nutrition services are utilized and access to WASH products and services is improved and multi-sector coordination and GOE capacity to implement effective nutrition and WASH programs is strengthened, then the nutritional status of women and young children will be improved. Growth through Nutrition has four essential cross-cutting elements: Gender equality and women’s empowerment, a rigorous learning agenda, sustainable approaches, and convergence/overlay of multi-sector nutrition interventions (e.g. agriculture, livelihoods, education, health, humanitarian assistance) and WASH activities in the same geographic areas.
USAID Growth through Nutrition will build on ENGINE’s investments in 83 Agricultural Growth Program (AGP) (food secure) and 17-non AGP (food insecure) and will target at least 80 food secure woredas and 20 food insecure woredas (PSNP and emergency hot spot woredas) in the in USAID/Ethiopia’s Feed the Future Zone of Influence of Amhara, Oromia, SNNP, and Tigray..
The Nutrition Zonal Coordinator, based at clustered zonal department, is responsible for the overall management of the USAID funded Growth through Nutrition-An Integrated and development oriented a multi-sector nutrition program at Zonal, Woreda and health facility or community levels.
The coordinator will be expected to improve planning, implementation; monitoring and reporting processes as they pertain to Growth through Nutrition program activities. The incumbent works closely with the government structure and other zonal/cluster team members of Growth through Nutrition and related programs so as to ensure program integration at all level. The coordinator is expected to concurrently track physical implementation against activity plan and budget utilization under Growth through Nutrition health and Nutrition program component
The position holder will provide nutrition related technical support at Zonal, Woreda and community level to ensure the quality implementation of the program activities. He/she is responsible to strengthen Zonal and Woreda level nutrition multi-sectoral coordination. He/she ensures efficient and timely implementation of activities as per the approved operational plans; regularly mentor and coach health facility staffs, and facilitate joint supportive supervision.
He/she is responsible to maintain close contact and liaises with Zonal/Woreda Health and Agriculture offices; asses’ gaps and link with regional office ensure quality of documentation and nutrition and health data utilization at Woreda and health facilities. He or she is responsible for Timely production and submission of reports and other deliverables such as HFs’ program data for data base to regional office.
Roles and Responsibilities
- Prepares annual plan and participate in annual budget development for the program and ensure that Growth through Nutrition activities are fully harmonized with Zonal, and Woreda annual plan.
- Coordinate and technically support Zonal, Woreda, and local stakeholders to assess needs related to Nutrition and Livelihoods and support the implementation of Growth through Nutrition,
- Develop terms of reference, facilitate training, review meeting and joint supportive supervision that will be conducted at Zonal and Woreda levels.
- Timely submit training reports, review meeting proceedings and field travel reports to regional office for documentation.
- Ensure multisectoral coordination of nutrition intervention at Zonal, Woreda and community levels
- In collaboration with agriculture/livelihood coordinators, ensure the effective implementation and integration of Nutrition, WASH, Livelihood and SBCC components into the existing structures of the Agricultural/Health system
- Ensure that the revised national nutrition program(NNP), nutrition guidelines, and minimum nutrition standard, WaSH in the context of nutrition & QI on nutrition specific services, SBCC specific to the program/nutrition, revised HMIS, and monitoring tools are implemented in respective target zones and Woredas
- Provides technical support through regular and joint supportive supervision to Woreda health/agriculture office, health facilities and communities
- Support and ensure that Nutrition agenda is focused in Zonal and Woreda level review meeting conducted in a regular basis
- In collaboration with M&E coordinator, strengthen the capacity of Zonal, Woreda health office and community in nutrition and health information management system for decision making
- Support Zone health Department in mentoring and follow-up of the trained HW and community in implementing planned nutrition and WASH activities at all level( zones, facility community)
- Ensure health workers in selected health facilities for implementation of GROWTH THROUGH NUTRITION are trained as per national guideline
- Ensure the provision of appropriate mentoring and on job training for Health workers at targeted Health facilities using agreed tools
- Ensure that resources allocated reached the right beneficiaries, for the right objective in the right time
- Ensure that Nutrition multi-sectoral coordination is strengthened, support the livelihood team to mainstream nutrition in to agriculture and program activities are coordinated at all levels
- Ensure that all donor compliance and save the children rules and regulations are strictly followed during day to day program operations
- Ensure that GROWTH THROUGH NUTRITION activities included in woreda annual implementation plans
- Prepares periodic reports and submits to the concerned bodies in timely fashion ;
- Performs other related tasks as required.
- Represent the program and delivery of coaching and training activities under respective Woreda with the support from Program coordinator and Program manager.
- Deliver training for women and girls on basic business and life skills based on developed curriculum.
- Conduct follow-up with trainees to answer any questions and ensure that curricula are being implemented correctly and effectively
- Facilitate and coordinate the components of youth workforce development activities, like facilitate trainings, provide coaching and organized mentoring and work placement programs for unemployed and underemployed youth.
- Work with the LEEP program staff to adapt the curriculum to the needs of Young women.
- Conduct post-training assessments upon the completion of each training and support the trainees in developing their own business plan.
- Conduct follow up meetings with Young women’s leadership and economic empowerment Academe’s beneficiaries and provide technical support in the process of setting up small businesses.
- Conduct follow-up and a mentoring visit to graduates starting a small business.
- Organize special learning events for trainees by inviting guest speakers to positively influence them.
- Organize/arrange special events for trainees to display their talents, business ideas, traditional skills products, etc.
- Prepare and revise action plans to support mentoring and coaching activities.
- Prepare monthly progress reports and provide analysis and recommendations on the training/training offered.
- Prepare and submit success as well as challenges of the training along with monthly progress reports.
- Any other duties and responsibilities that can be given by immediate and technical supervisors.
- Facilitate the active participation and building of trust with communities and other stakeholders and work closely with IGAs, TVETs, youth associations, private sectors,
- FTCs or PTCs, Youth focused government organizations, training institutes and etc.
- Spearhead the mobilization of all stakeholders and follow up routine tasks of the program implementation at site level as required by the Program coordinator .
- Ensure the regular program component data collection and reporting is on time.
- Coach and record participant personal development plan (PDP) progress
- Organize workshops and trainings under the direction of the Program coordinator.
- Work closely with Woreda Women, Children and Youth Affair Offices/other partners.
- Be part of the planning team of the LEEP program staff at Woreda level.
- Be the translator of local languages for other program staff, consultants and visitors.
- Carry out other duties as requested by the program Programme coordinator
Minimum Qualification and Experience
- Minimum educational requirement: first degree in public health or nursing and demonstrated experience in nutrition, maternal and child health, WaSH, SBCC on nutrition, and livelihood programs
- Minimum experience required: four years for degree holders out of which minimum of 2 years’ experience in NGO with experience/knowledge of supporting USAID funded grants
- Good understanding of Health Sector Development Plan(HSDP IV), National Nutrition program (NNP) and other health related policies & strategies
- Demonstrated skills in partnership building and interpersonal communication
- Existing relationship with Zonal health and agriculture offices is preferred
- Excellent and demonstrated skills in computer Microsoft office applications:: Word, Excel, PowerPoint and outlooks, emails
- Excellent in reporting writing skills
- Knowledge of local language is mandatory
- 65-75 Percent
Work experience in productive areas and knowledge of local culture is advantageousSC Values are: Accountability, Ambition, Collaboration, Creativity and Integrity. To meet the value system the post holder is expected to demonstrate the following Competencies on ongoing bases (this varies according to the position please consider the below as example)
Leading: (align with Ambition, Integrity collaboration and creativity)
- Delivering result: Takes personal responsibility and holds others to account to deliver our ambitious goals for children, continually improving own performance or that of the team/ organization.
Thinking: (align with Ambition, Creativity, Collaboration and Creativity)
- Applying technical and professional expertise: Applies the required technical and professional expertise to the highest standards; promotes and shares best practice within and outside the organization.
Engaging: (align with Collaboration, Creativity)
- Working effectively with others Works collaboratively to achieve shared goals and thrives on diversity of people and perspectives; knows when to lead and when to follow and how to ensure effective cross-boundary working.
- Communicating with Impact: Communicates clearly and confidently with others to engage and influence; promotes dialogue and ensures timely and appropriate messages, building confidence and trust with others.
We offer a competitive package in the context of the sector.
Method of Application
Submit your CV and Application on Company Website : Click HereClosing Date : 29 October. 2021