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24 Sep 2021

Nutrition in Emergency Specialist at Plan International Ethiopia

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Job Description

Accountabilities and MAIN WORK ACTIVITIES

·        Raising and also managing up to 7 million USD per year from diversified donors.

·        Liaising with government ministries, offices and bureaus at federal and regional levels and also with UN agencies, NGOs and other civic organizations.

·        Take the lead for managing as Project Coordinator and Budget Holder for Nutrition related programming in Amhara Region.

·        Responsibility for ensuring compliance with organizational and statutory policies and laws on People and Culture legality matters and also has responsibility to ensure compliance of the design and implementation of emergency/recovery and resilience focused nutrition responses in line with applicable government policies, guidelines and procedures.

·        Provision of hands-on technical support to the field-based nutrition team and other staff to ensure benefit of children affected by disasters, and also assisting in building institutional capacity of Plan and its partners to effectively respond to emergency nutrition, WaSH and Livelihood related needs; with the overall objective of protecting, promoting and improving the nutritional and health status of children affected by and recovering from disasters/emergencies.

·        Representing Plan Ethiopia in humanitarian coordination meetings, taskforces, clusters and technical working groups that are related to nutrition in emergency and recovery/resilience context

Typical Responsibilities – Key end results of the position:

·        Work collaboratively with fellow Emergency Nutrition Specialist and El Nino team members to provide strategic leadership and guidance in designing effective emergency nutrition projects with long term perspective & linkage to longer term development within the framework of PIE’s Country Strategic Plan & Plan’s principles and values

·        Planning and implementation of Emergency Nutrition Response project activities and set high quality performance targets ensuring adherence to national policy, strategy and technical standards, best practices and donor and internal guidelines.

·        Provide technical assistance and coordination in conducting rapid assessments and standard nutrition surveys

·        Provide technical support and back-stopping at field level to projects implementing CMAM (Community mobilisation, OTP, SFP,SC) and also TSFP programmes

·        Regular participation in nutrition and related forums and nutrition coordination meetings and other nutrition related national platforms/networks and ensuring effective information sharing and flow within PIE

·        To enhance understanding regarding standards and accountability in nutrition in emergencies

·        To ensure effective communication and information sharing on emergency nutrition programming with in PIE

·        Actively participate in soliciting fund for emergency nutrition projects

·        Ensure development of core skills and competencies in emergency nutrition among PIE staff in the Country Office, Programme Units and project offices

·        Coordinate and lead nutrition response projects in your respective region during planning, budget preparation, implementation, M&E and timely reporting ensuring quality and standards through enhanced partnership with government and non-government partners and also civic organizations including CBOs as appropriate

·        Provide leadership for field level assessments and other works including soliciting/mobilizing fund for emergency nutrition projects

·        Liaising and establishing contacts  at regional, zonal and woreda  levels with ENCU, DRMFSS and NGOs and participate in technical, logistics and operational meetings and discussions concerning emergency  nutrition response in PIE operational areas

·        Provide capacity building and technical support so to project staff so that they are well aware of the standardised approach to CMAM management and supporting staff, following up and periodically monitoring so that the approach is properly followed and implemented in line with national guideline.

·        Assist in the recruitment, training and deployment of emergency nutrition staff and provide support in the area of nutrition to staff in all aspects to enable them carry out their duties and responsibilities in a timely and effective manner

·        Effective implementation of PIE’s Emergency Preparedness and Response Plan with focus on targets/plans related to emergency nutrition within the frame work of pertinent national policy, strategy and guidelines

·        Jointly with Emergency Nutrition Specialist, provide overall leadership and guidance in the design and undertaking of rapid assessments and standard nutrition surveys and subsequently in the design of nutrition responses in affected areas to ensure alignment of PIE’s work with applicable government and donor policies, strategies and operating procedures

·        Provide direct hands-on technical support to Field Staff, PUs and PIE partners to effectively and innovatively manage nutrition projects with focus on key technical areas including CMAM

·        Ensure that emergency nutrition and related projects are technically sound, environmentally friendly, socially and cultural acceptable

·        Jointly with Emergency Nutrition Specialist for SNNP & Oromia Regions, provide team leadership and coordination in the design of nutrition response plans and strategies and also in the development of proposals for submission to donors to raise funds. Ensure effective partnership, networking and coordination/collaboration with government, NGOs, UN agencies and other international partners in the design and implementation of emergency nutrition projects

Child Protection and Gender Equality Responsibilities

·        Demonstrate commitment to Plan’s child protection policy through implementing the policy in its entirety, and report any actual or potential risk situations following the reporting procedures, being aware of abuse and risks to children, being vigilant, becoming familiar with the Child Protection Policy.

·        Raise children’s rights/protection awareness and important of gender equality and respect to diversity within Plan and amongst partners and community members.

·        Child protection and gender equality policies are understood by the staff and partners.

·        Ensure equal participation and benefit of boys and girls and children with disabilities in all phases of programme/ project implementation.

·        Ensure sufficient budget and resources are allocated for gender equality activity in their respective area annual plans and project activities.

·        Support partners in understanding plans’ gender equality strategy and program criteria and capacity building activities on gender as part of the regular work at field level.

·        Ensure the representation of Plan Ethiopia in their respective region from gender equality perspectives.

Dealing with Problems:

·        Carefully analyses situations of malnourished children and engages himself/herself in an healthy, positive and constructive ways with concerned government authorities including federal Emergency Nutrition Coordination Unit (ENCU) and this needs strong negotiation and lobbying skills.

·        Timely communicates and shares information with WFP, UNICEF, other UN agencies in the management of Targeted Supplementary Feeding Programme (TSFP) and government partners to ensure timely delivery of the inputs from these institutions.

·        Proactively engages with government health institutions to address capacity problems in implementing Outpatient Therapeutic Programme (OTP) and Stabilization Center (SC) services.

Job Requirements

·        Minimum B.Sc. in relevant field of study.  Master’s degree in applied nutrition, public health or related fields is preferred.

·        At least 5+ levant experience out of which 3 year 3 years on a senior level experience (not necessarily gained in an NGO or INGO) or demonstrated equivalent combination.

·        Extensive and documented experience in managing emergency nutrition and health related projects with focus on operational aspects including management of budget and logistics

·        Experience of managing projects for major donors and experience of working with international NGO, UN or donor agencies

·        Knowledge of child rights programming

·        Knowledge of Plan policies and procedures

·        Knowledge of international standards notably SPHERE, LEGS, and the Red Cross/ NGO Code of Conduct

·        Good understanding of emerging international humanitarian issues and aid effectiveness

Method of Application

Submit your CV and Application on Company Website : Click Here

Closing Date : 3 October. 2021


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