Monitoring, Evaluation, Research And Learning (MERL) Manager at WEEMA International Inc
- Company: WEEMA International Inc
- Location: Ethiopia
- State: Addis Ababa Jobs
- Job type: Full-Time
- Job category: Data Science / Research Jobs in Ethiopia
Job Description
The MERL Manager is responsible for the overall participatory monitoring and evaluation, impact assessment, research and timely reporting of WEEMA’s programs/projects and activities. She/he provides technical leadership to capture program intervention activities and results, ensure highquality, timely, valid, and verifiable data collection and analysis. She/he leads preparation and implementation of M&E plans and coordinates the proper and timely evaluation of program impact.
She/he supports the Country Director (CD) in establishing and implementing strategic direction, planning, organizing and coordinating the overall functions of WEEMA in Ethiopia.
Job Responsibility #1: System and Structure Design and Adaptation, including:
- Develop and/or strengthen new/existing monitoring and evaluation guide, systems and procedures;
- Develop impact indicators and a monitoring strategy for project/s success;
- Develop and share appropriate MERL tools to all program and support services staff;
Job Responsibility #2: Monitoring, Evaluation and Impact Assessment, including:
- Develop monitoring and evaluation plans for all programs/projects to monitor quality and impact
- Plan and conduct regular and demand-based joint monitoring and evaluation of programs/projects;
- Suggest strategies for improving efficiency and effectiveness of the project/s;
- Provide inputs, accurate data or statistics for all relevant reports
- Oversee qualitative and quantitative data gathering and management, and analyze the data for reports;
- Based on identified capacity needs, design and deliver in-house capacity building related to M&E;
- Supports the program team to prepare program/project Log frame and indicators;
- Develop sound concept notes, project proposals, theory of change, ToR and MoU for funding agencies;
Job Responsibility #3: Research, Learning and Reporting, including:
- Participates in relevant meetings, and seminars representing WEEMA in consultation with the CD;
- Lead integration of research, M&E findings, and other evidence into internal program learning.
- Conduct and/or supervise research, including desk and field research, as necessary;
- Collect and analyze data, and share the findings with teams,
- Ensures the communication of M&E concepts within WEEMA, with members and other stakeholders;
- Participates in the documentation and dissemination of lessons learned;
- Develops and implements systems and processes to strengthen program accountability of all stakeholders
- Create and maintain electronic and physical program/project files in collaboration with program team and share programmatic documents to internal and external users as appropriate;
- Maintain M&E data for usage by staff in external outputs such as publications, awareness raising events
- Technically guide and support the field office MERL officer to conduct her/his job
Job Responsibility #4: Reporting and Documentation, including:
- Produce progress reports monthly, quarterly, and annually on all project activities
- Participate in mid-term and annual project/s reviews, and in planning workshops
- Document and circulate knowledge, experiences, best practices in collaboration with Program Managers;
- Produce and document project/s learnings, case stories, reports, etc. in collaboration with Program Managers;
- Facilitates baseline, midline and endline studies/evaluations and share reports to all relevant stakeholders in time;
Job Responsibility #5: Policy, compliance and others, including:
- Adhere to all organization policies, including ensuring gender equality, disability inclusion, and PSEAH measures
EDUCATION/TRAINING: MSc, MA/BA, BSc in M&E, Statistics, Development Studies or related
EXPERIENCE: 8/10 years of relevant experience
- Proficiency in verbal and written English, proposal development, strategic and operational planning, monitoring and evaluation, report writing;
- Excellent computer application skills; familiarity with statistical software is required.
- Good interpersonal communication skill and ability to effectively liaise with stakeholders;
- Integrated knowledge and understanding of program design and management
Method of Application
Submit your CV, copies of relevant documents and Application to:WEEMA International Inc. Head office, HR and Administration department in person at Megenagna, behind Bole sub city, in front of Lion Security.
Tel: +251118688651
Closing Date : 30 November. 2021

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