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4 Nov 2021

Land Administration Expert at Responsible and Innovative Land Administration Project (REILA ll)

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Job Description

Duty station: BoLA in Bahir Dar, Amhara National Regional State (ANRS)


  • NRLAIS training and capacity building activities at all levels of the administrative structure
  • Checking all data provided for ingest to NRLAIS is thoroughly quality and verified for accuracy based on standard guidelines.
  • Support technical activities at the Woreda level that contribute to the NRLAIS database.
  • Assist in preparation of parcel maps and issuance of second level landholding certificates
  • Ensuring all NRLAIS data is backed up on a regular basis at the woredas and stored at BoRLAU
  • Support best practice IT procedures at Woreda level to ensure highest standards of data quality
  • Provide training on Land Administration practices & procedures at all levels of the administrative structure
  • Cooperate effectively with other land administration projects at BoRLAU (GiZ), S2RAI.
  • Manage REILA project resources in cooperation with the ANRS BoRLAU and the Project office in Addis Ababa
  • Provide regular monitoring and performance reports of REILA project activities in time to the REILA CTA
  • Carry out capacity building activities at all levels of the administrative structure
  • Supervise the technical configuration, installation and operation of NRLAIS at woreda level.
  • Ensure full performance, operation and stability of database systems for NRLAIS.
  • Ensure the NRLAIS database is tested and bugs fixed to ensure full operational and performance efficiency.
  • Ensure regular backup and recovery of database information at woreda and Bureau level.
  • Provide training on Land Administration practices & procedures at all levels of the administrative structure


Qualifications: BSc degree from a known university in a field relevant to land administration, e.g. land surveying, land law or land economics, preferably a relevant MSc degree in the aforementioned field of studies.


  • Proven capacity to operate and configure standard office IT equipment, use of software for editing and manipulating text and image files
  • Familiarity in use and operation of NRLAIS software is an advantage
  • Excellent general knowledge in the fields of land tenure and land administration in Ethiopia
  • A minimum of 10 years of relevant professional experience in Ethiopia in the area of land administration
  • A very good understanding of potential errors in graphical and textual data of Land Registration, and how to prevent or minimize these from occurring.
  • Good practical understanding of GIS software especially Quantum GIS (QGIS) is desirable
  • Excellent working knowledge of English and Amharic languages, written & spoken
  • Experience of operating Windows and Linux operating systems
  • A general understanding of open-source software systems
  • A general knowledge of RDBMs and SQL, as used in Microsoft SQL Server, MySQL, PostgreSQL and PostGIS.
  • A general understanding of IT networks and distributed (client-server) computing architectures

Method of Application

Submit your CV, copies of relevant documents and Application to  [email protected]
Use the title of the position as the subject of the email

Closing Date : 21 November. 2021


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